Thanks for the info TS. There seems to be so many different combinations and possibilities out there I was really hesitant to spend dollars. I'll get my hands on a OBD2 scanner and give it a go.
PS: Did you end up getting a version of your RhinoView to work with these OBD2 models?
As an owner of a 2009 Jimny who attempts all my own maintenance on this great little beast, I am keen as to learn all I can about all topics Jimny.
I've just finished a gearbox rebuild (engine and G/box out due to the rounded top right engine/gearbox bolt!), new clutch, rear and front crankshaft seals. Happy with how the g/box and clutch are working, though have a miss that I am trying to track down.
As I had all electrical connectors undone while the engine was out the job now is to work out which one is causing me issues. I found this forum while researching what scan tool is appropriate to decode why the EML is on...looks like I have found a pot of gold! ;)